"who counts the years" - 14 women, 14 ages, 14 lives
Photo exhibition by Afroskop e. V. - presented by ONE WORLD PROJECT e. V.
We, from ONE WORLD PROJECT e. V., were very happy to support Afroskop e. V. and to present their great and extremely sustainable projects from 24.03. to 11.05. 2019 in Bonn's MIGRApolis House of Diversity - BIM e.V., through their wonderfully sensitive photo exhibition!
Many musical and special acts awaited the visitors!
The photo exhibition "Who's counting the years: 14 women, 14 ages, 14 lives" by Afroskop e.V. encourages young people and adults to immerse themselves in the lives of Kenyan women. In a sensitive way, the 14 portraits, taken by photographer Santiago Engelhardt, tell of the everyday lives of the women who were confronted with the possibility of moving into a multi-generation house.
The pictures and the texts that guide the visitors through the exhibition let the women have their say. On the one hand, they talk about their fears and worries that such a change would bring, and on the other hand, they dream uninhibitedly about their new home and a future away from poverty and loneliness.
The aim of the exhibition is to make it clear in a subtle way: Old age is a topic that unites us, a challenge that we all have to face - whether in Kenya, in Germany or elsewhere.
The topic of old age concerns people all over the world.
While in Kenya old people are forgotten within an extremely young society, in Germany we have to face the challenge of an increasingly old population.
The vernissage of this photo exhibition addresses this topic in particular by placing "old age" in a global context.
We would like to thank Migrapolis - House of Resources - BIM e. V. for their support.