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Step by step, we have turned a shared vision into something big. We are proud of that. Become part of ONE WORLD MUSIC STARS and apply by 31.03.2025 - our casting will then take place in April.


from April 2025

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With our project ONE WORLD MUSIC STARS we want to inspire musically talented young people between the ages of 16 and 25, with and without a migration or refugee background, with social problems, low educational opportunities from socially deprived areas and from all districts of Bonn, to further develop their potential and to benefit from working together. In workshops that build on and complement each other (e.g. music composition, sound design, rhythm training, lyric writing, audio and video editing, camera work, sound recording, lighting technology and design, etc.), the young people learn to recognise their preferences and potential and thus complement and support each other. Musical and technical skills are developed and content knowledge in various media fields is taught. In all sub-projects
the intention of the project is paramount. The sub-projects address racism, discrimination and the prevention of violence, thereby breaking down prejudices and reflecting on values. Their intercultural skills are developed, social cohesion is strengthened and togetherness is promoted.

Need for action on the ground
This project is extremely important in Bonn, so that young people from different social backgrounds can come together and benefit from each other. We want to recruit young people from districts with a high proportion of migrants and refugees (such as Tannenbusch, Bad Godesberg and the north of Bonn) as well as from districts with a lower proportion (city centre, Südstadt). For example, young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds can express their feelings and experiences about racism and discrimination, discuss them with others and bring them into the musical discourse by writing lyrics. Young people from different social backgrounds can then take on the empathetic role. The same applies vice versa, as some young Germans do not dare to approach strangers because they may have had negative experiences with young people from other countries, or because they live in isolation here due to social reasons and a lack of opportunities to participate.
As many migrant and refugee families remain among their compatriots, the children of these families often find it difficult to move autonomously in a pluralistic society. The coronavirus pandemic has made it even more difficult for young people, especially those with a migrant or refugee background, to meet each other.

Project Idea
Our idea is to bring together musically talented and media-savvy young people between the ages of 14 and 25 from different social backgrounds in a low-threshold way and, in addition to promoting their musical and linguistic development, to initiate and develop the positive shaping of their human attitudes and values by addressing the issues of racism, discrimination and violence prevention.
The common interest and enjoyment of the project ensures that the process is symbiotic, autonomous and automatic within the target group.
Three experts with relevant experience in working with young people in the specialised fields will guide and stimulate the groups.
In sub-projects that build on and complement each other, the young people will contribute their talents and potential to the project and learn how to professionally create and produce a song and a video from A to Z by working together. In terms of content, the biographies of the participants and their own experiences will be strongly integrated into the production and a mutual exchange will be initiated, which will improve the young people's ability to empathise and create openness towards people with a refugee or migrant background, e.g. Muslims who have fled. By sharing their experiences of migration, they raise awareness of their individual life stories.
Their perspective on their musical development and career choices is created and visualised through the progress they themselves perceive. Through the opportunity
to act as volunteer mentors in the future, participants are taught methodological approaches and practice using didactic tools. This develops their pedagogical skills and they learn to share their knowledge on an equal footing.
The final products of all 3 project years (3 ONE WORLD SONGS and 3 videos) should reflect the confrontation with racism, discrimination and violence prevention, promote humanistic awareness and stand for tolerance, respect and charity. In addition to imparting specialist knowledge, the main aim is to promote group dynamics and a process of mutual understanding in order to break down prejudices and stereotypes and strengthen mutual acceptance.
Beyond the meeting format, sustainable contacts will be established that will enable the young people to expand their network and make further progress.
Implementation measures:
Each year of the project, new participants will go through the same process, so that all participants will acquire the same knowledge and skills, and those from previous years will be able to improve.
At the beginning of each project year, the first 3 months of the project are dedicated to participant recruitment.

Music and sound production

1. Introduction to music production:
Teaching the necessary knowledge and skills
2. Basic skeleton of the song:
Structure specification (intro, choruses, bridges, instrumental), discovery phase (beats suggestions of various music genres), song structure (cord progression (chord sequence), melody (melody), lyrics (lyrics))
3. Production:
Selection of sounds (piano, strings, etc.), recording the elements in Cubase (piano parts, guitar parts, beats, etc.), writing and finalizing lyrics, recording vocals
4. Editing:
Selection and editing
5. Mixing of the tracks:
Choice of effects, sound processing
6. Mastering the final mix:
Final editing

Video production

Part 1: This will deal with general aspects of filmmaking and the technology needed to make a movie:
I. Getting to know the technique
II. What is a movie?
III. What criteria should a film fulfill?
IV. What stylistic means are available to me?
V. How do I film correctly with my camera/smartphone?
VI Light and sound when filming with the camera/smartphone
Part 2: Here we will work practically with the cameras and create space to answer questions:
I. Turning the camera on/off
II. Zoom, focus, iris
III. White balance
IV. Presets
V. Tips and tricks
Part 3: Here we continue to work practically with cameras. The focus is on storytelling:
I. What are meaningful shots?
II. Perspectives workshop, music video
III. Panning
IV. Shots with movement
Part 4: The material is viewed and sorted. Metadata is created so that the material can be processed in the program:
I. Viewing the material
II. Renaming the material
III. Use of metadata
Part 5: The recorded material is processed in the program. The focus here is on editing:
I. Getting to know the program: Final Cut or Da Vinci Resolve?
II. Creating and saving media libraries
III. Working on a timeline
IV. How to merge images
V. Editing to music
VI Editing techniques and transitions
Part 6: Merging image and sound, rendering and exporting the files:
I. Merging soundtrack and video track
II. color correction
III Rendering the material
IV. saving, storing and exporting

Impact and objectives
In addition to content knowledge, the focus is on group dynamics, personal development and strengthening young people's self-confidence. Due to the rapid pace of technological development, young people today acquire more and more media skills at an early age, if they are given the means and conditions at home. There is therefore a fundamental desire to be able to keep up and compete in media segments.
Working in groups, young people recognise their preferences and potential and learn to complement and support each other. They reduce their prejudices, reflect on their values and develop and extend their intercultural skills. They have the opportunity to develop their musical and technical skills and acquire knowledge in different areas of music and media.
In all sub-projects, the intention of the project is given the highest priority - racism, discrimination and the prevention of violence are the main issues that the young people deal with, reflect on and translate into music.
The young people should have the opportunity to develop their skills as much as possible. To this end, the sub-projects are designed with the respective content to be conveyed and the materials required. We take great care to ensure that the young people are motivated by easily achievable goals.
One of the aims is to create three ONE WORLD SONGS with accompanying professional videos by having the young people compose and produce one song per year on the topics of racism, discrimination and violence prevention, so that the three songs and videos can be presented at the end of the third year of the project. The songs and videos will also become the ONE WORLD HYMNS of our organisation and will be performed at the next ONE WORLD FESTIVAL BONN and other events to show the audience what the ONE WORLD MUSIC STARS have created so wonderfully.
Through the specially produced project documentation and the planned radio broadcasts, the young people will be able to see their own success step by step before the end of the project and will be able to further optimise their own performance through critical examination.
We also want to do something 'out of the ordinary' together in nature, to strengthen the sense of togetherness and to come together in a different environment. The participants will be able to choose the activities themselves from several suggestions (e.g. a musical hike, a visit to a young band in their rehearsal room (Music Academy Bonn and/or Rock and Pop Academy Bonn-Bad Godesberg, etc.) and of course they can also express their own wishes.
We believe that increased skills also open up opportunities in other areas of life, such as volunteering, training or studying.

Project continuation and sustainability
After the first year of the project, the young people are able to act as mentors, passing on the knowledge they have acquired to new participants or those in need of support and using the social skills they have acquired.
In the best case scenario, the young people develop such a strong interest that they go on to train or study in the music and/or media industries.
The resulting musical and visual works will continue to be showcased at various events and online, and used to attract new funding. Our ONE WORLD MUSIC STARS will reach the general public through contact with WDR Lokalzeit Bonn.
It is also planned to form a ONE WORLD BAND or a ONE WORLD ORKESTAR from the young people, so that they can continue to compose, rehearse and perform together. Our association will continue to provide them with the necessary financial, organisational, logistical and publicity support for activities, workshops, training, concerts and tours.

Our intercultural education project is funded as part of the federal programme "Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt - vor Ort. Vernetzt. Verbunden." programme and is gratefully supported by the Federal Ministry of the Interior on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag and by Sparkasse KölnBonn.