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We promote intercultural diversity!

Our humanitarian conviction is our motor!
Our passion to make a difference is our drive!
ONE WORLD PROJECT e. V. is our path!


We are happy that you have found us and are always available to answer your questions.

Take a look around and join us!


We live what we stand for!
Come and join our colourful and international team!

 our diverse projects

We are always conceiving new intercultural projects in the fields of music, art, dance, sports and education,
to promote participation and international understanding!

We make our world more colourful and better!

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Zustimmen & anzeigen

Our biggest volunteer-generated and intercultural project!


It stands for togetherness, promotes love of one's neighbour
and collective humanitarian awareness.

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Zustimmen & anzeigen

Our longest volunteer-generated and intercultural project!


Young people write their lyrics, compose melodies and produce their sounds and videos in professional studios and much more.

"be the change you want to see in this world!"

mahatma gandhi

Our values

We promote intercultural diversity!
Every person, regardless of origin, education and social background, has a right to dignity, respect and promotion of its potentials.
We value togetherness through joint networking and promote humanitarian collective awareness through our intercultural projects.
We are motivated by our conviction to act humanely and our belief in making a difference for our society and our world - because we know that every person can give back a little of what they have benefited from elsewhere.
Each person in our team is unique - and we all share the same values:


We have bright, creative minds working together as friends from different backgrounds! Together we put a lot of joy and passion into our intercultural projects - that's what marks us out.

To good cooperation

Do you already have initial thoughts about a future project that you would like to share with us? Would you like to get involved in existing projects and become part of the ONE WORLD TEAM? We look forward to hearing from you and talking about a possible collaboration. Contact us and we will find out together how we can support you.


From now on, don't miss a thing - make sure you mark these dates in your calendar. We have listed all upcoming events, meetings and important dates here for you. It's best to bookmark this page and stay up to date.

Our diverse projects

We are always conceiving new intercultural projects in the fields of
music, art, dance, sport and education,
to promote participation and international understanding!
We make our world more colourful and better!

about us

ONE WORLD PROJECT e. V. stands for togetherness and for the promotion of collective humanitarian awareness.

The association enables all interested parties to participate in voluntary projects or
to initiate them themselves and subsequently to find more ambitious people in the association.
Everyone can do their best to make our world a better place by using our strengths and
the time we have to give back something that has already benefited us elsewhere.
ONE WORLD PROJECT e.V.  sees itself as an umbrella association for civic engagement.

Other institutions, such as e.g. associations or initiatives etc., can  participate in projects or realize their own projects in the association 

through networking, receiving opportunities for funding or benefitting from existing organizational structures  as a corporate member of ONE WORLD PROJECT e. V.
.Likewise, private and legal persons can support our work through their sponsoring membership and thus secure the future of the voluntary commitment in an appreciative way.

Together we are strong!

about you

Your idea for an intercultural project is the beginning and if you can't get it out of your mind, we look forward to welcoming you as a member and giving you the support you need. If you do not yet have an idea of ​​how you can get involved, we will help you with our existing and planned projects. We offer you the podium and the space for your commitment to promote intercultural diversity and thus to support minorities and the needy and marginalized groups in our society.
Whether as a member, sustaining member or corporate member - you are part of the whole and we need you!

We look forward to you!


After the intercultural One World Festival Bonn was realized for the first time as a private, voluntary initiative in 2015, the organizational activities for the festival and many other intercultural projects, to be implemented by the members, have taken on a scope that led to the founding of ONE WORLD PROJECT e. V.  on 03.03.2018. association's Structure

Executive Chairwoman:
Colette König
Other organs:
Two auditors and
the organ of the general assembly

working groups

The liveliness of the association arises from the central function and networking of the working groups:
In the funding roup, the members and the board of directors look for potential funding opportunities for the intercultural project to be implemented, specifically by sector (music, art, education, dance and sport) and finally the applications with the associated financial plan are created . The board of directors provides extensive support or takes over the preparation of the financial plan
For each intercultural project, a separate project working group is set up by the members participating in the project. The project manager, to be elected in the working group, must take part in the project-related meetings of the funding working group and report to the board in minutes about the decisions and plans of the project working group.
The board of directors supervises the project working groups and provides advice and / or refers to knowledgeable members and external consultants or experts. The projects, as well as the respective financial plan, are approved or objected to by the board of directors before the application is submitted and only transferred to the application process after approval.


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Zustimmen & anzeigen