one world intercultural
womens Day party
We stand in solidarity with the women and girls in Iran!
For International Womens Day, ONE WORLD PROJECT e. V. would like to stand up for women's rights with the ONE WORLD INTERCULTURAL WOMENS DAY PARTY and promote and raise collective humanitarian awareness of the discrimination that still takes place against women in our world today.
"No woman should be murdered or imprisoned for the way she dresses, yet this is the harsh reality for many living in Iran under the country's authoritarian government.
For decades, women in Iran have been abused, silenced and deprived of their rights through the enforcement of strict laws. Women in this country are regularly affected by violence related to dress codes, having not been allowed to decide for themselves whether or not to wear a hijab since 1979 under Sharia (the Islamic legal system)." Source: Global Citizen
Look forward to a beautiful intercultural evening with GLOBAL ORIENTAL BEATS by our globetrotter DJ TreasureTailor, accompanied by our drum master Jörg, and a colourful programme with the LECTURE IRAN by ONE WORLD PROJECT e. V. and the CULTURE SLAM by Netzwerk Politikatelier e. V.!
Look forward to new friendships and further networking opportunities, because together we are strong!
- Admission € 5 plus additional donation option for HÁ -
For International Womens Day, ONE WORLD PROJECT e. V. would like to stand up for women's rights with the ONE WORLD INTERCULTURAL WOMENS DAY PARTY and promote and raise collective humanitarian awareness of the discrimination that still takes place against women in our world today.
"No woman should be murdered or imprisoned for the way she dresses, yet this is the harsh reality for many living in Iran under the country's authoritarian government.
For decades, women in Iran have been abused, silenced and deprived of their rights through the enforcement of strict laws. Women in this country are regularly affected by violence related to dress codes, having not been allowed to decide for themselves whether or not to wear a hijab since 1979 under Sharia (the Islamic legal system)." Source: Global Citizen
Look forward to a beautiful intercultural evening with GLOBAL ORIENTAL BEATS by our globetrotter DJ TreasureTailor, accompanied by our drum master Jörg, and a colourful programme with the LECTURE IRAN by ONE WORLD PROJECT e. V. and the CULTURE SLAM by Netzwerk Politikatelier e. V.!
Look forward to new friendships and further networking opportunities, because together we are strong!
- Admission € 5 plus additional donation option for HÁ -
one world intercultural womens Day party
We celebrate us - the women of this world!
For International Women's Day on 8 March 2019
ONE WORLD PROJECT e. V. in cooperation with the
Vielfalt. viel Wert. campaign, of the Fachdienst für Integration und Migration des Caritas Verband der Stadt Bonn e. V.
ONE WORLD INTERCULTURAL WOMENS DAY PARTY wanted to stand up for women's rights and promote and raise collective humanitarian awareness of the discrimination against women that still takes place in our world today.
Guests enjoyed a beautiful intercultural day and evening with live music by Gnawa-Germany and regional DJ's , a colourful programme with the African fashion show by Makunga's Wax, exotic stalls and a delicious multicultural buffet!
New friendships and further networking opportunities were made, because together we are strong!
Women were cordially invited to come in their national costumes or simply dress as colourfully as our world.
P.S.: Men were of course just as welcome!
Info about Gnawa:
The Gnawa have become famous for their rhythmic music. The three main instruments are the Ṭbal (barrel drum beaten with sticks), Sintir (long-necked lute, resonance body can be a turtle shell) and Gimbri (three-stringed long-necked lute with rectangular resonance body made of wood), plus the metal vessel rattle Qarqaba (pl. Qaraqib). The music has its original function in the nightly lila or derdeba ritual. In this most important ceremony, which consists of music, dances, ritualised breaking of taboos and an animal sacrifice and can last twelve hours, evil spirits are driven away and others are invoked. It serves the therapeutic purpose on the individual level.