One world parade & kültürklüngel orkestar
Friedensplatz>Sterntor>Münsterplatz>Rathaus>Oper>Kennedy-Brücke>ONE WORLD FESTIVAL BONN @Brückenforum
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Hooray, hopsasa and yay!
The Kültürklüngel Orkestar supports the One World Festival Bonn 2021 - "Unite as a human race!" and will start the ONE WORLD PARADE at Friedensplatz on 2 October at 12:30 pm with your singing and dancing support!
You can all walk with this wonderfully colourful and virtuoso troupe on a meandering route to the Brückenforum! Fun is guaranteed as there will be stops and pre-parties at several places. Music creates peace & joy!
Come one, come all!
The Kültürklüngel Orkestar will be accompanied and wonderfully staged by Queen Bubbles - Soap Bubble Artist (Berlin) with their oversized soap bubbles and by the high light & fire juggling art of Pyronetik (Cologne).
The Kültürklüngel is an open, musical and kültüraktivist project that was launched a few years ago as part of carnivalesque celebrations in Bonn's old town. The project stands for peaceful coexistence in cultural diversity. In the sense of living integration through music, the Kültürklüngel unites and mixes musicians and influences from different countries and cultures; everyone is welcome!
With a changing line-up, the Kültürklüngel plays a colourful repertoire of well-known evergreens and folklore from all over the world, sometimes as a large orchestra and sometimes as a small band.
The origins of their popular songs are as diverse and global as the group itself: Songs and spirits unite influences from the Orient and the Occident, old and not-so-old Europe, North and South America, from the Balkans eastwards and back to Swabia - this is how these electoral and Urrheinländer*innen loosen up voices and dance legs and pick up people where the Kültür consciousness jumps over and diversity becomes the motto of life.
The Kültürklüngel Orkestar is sometimes in a bad mood, but always in a good one - and so underground that nobody knows where, when and how they will play next...
but certainly on 02.10. from Friedensplatz to Brückenforum, with and through you!
We are very much looking forward to seeing you!
A project by ONE WORLD PROJECT e. V. in cooperation with the Bonn Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Learning e. V. - BIM e.V.
The ONE WORLD FESTIVAL BONN 2021 is gratefully supported by the Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Soziokultureller Zentren NRW e.V., the Kulturamt der Stadt Bonn, the Stabstelle für Integration der Stadt Bonn, Integrationsrat der Stadt Bonn, the Caritas Verband der Stadt Bonn - Vielfalt. viel Wert. and the fund "Auf Augenhöhe.
ONE World Parade 2021
Fotos by Jenny Bartsch Photography
Friedensplatz>Sterntor>Münsterplatz>Rathaus>Oper>Kennedy-Brücke>ONE WORLD FESTIVAL BONN @Brückenforum
one world parade & Kültürklüngel Orkestar 2018
Friedensplatz>Sterntor>Münsterplatz>Rathaus>Oper>Kennedy-Brücke>ONE WORLD FESTIVAL BONN @Brückenforum